Saturday 16 June 2012

Do you know bacteria is building up in your mouth right now? If this bacteria build up is not taken care of it can lead to many common oral health problems.
Tooth decay can start when you eat sugary or starchy foods. Bacteria act on these foods producing harmful acids that can lead to cavities.
Gum Problems
If you experience gum discomfort when you brush, you may suffer from gum problems that may be caused by bacteria build up.
Sensitive Teeth
Bacteria build up can cause many oral health problems that may eventually lead to sensitive teeth.
Bacteria build up along the gum line can harden and lead to tartar. Once tartar has formed, only your dentist or hygienist can remove it.
Bad Breath
When food stays in your mouth, in-between teeth, on the tongue and around the gums, it can breed bacteria, which can cause bad breath.

Colgate Total is clinically proven to fight bacteria build up in your mouth for full 12 hours.
It also helps reduce:
·         Plaque up to 98%
·         Gum problems up to 88%
·         Tartar up to 55%
·         Bad breath up to 52%
Colgate Total is endorsed by 33 Dental Associations around the world.

Colgate Total provides superior oral health protection* with a range of products to suit you needs.